Pausing for Presence

How can we add more mindfulness in our days? Mindfulness is a way to shift our attention to the present moment, no matter what we are doing. We can find calm among the chaos if we just use a few simple tips. 

I had meditated for years but would still find myself getting stressed out during the day. It was always a question – why can’t I keep calm at work? I mean, I meditate! A conflict with my boss, parenting struggles, even just work life balance created so much stress. The all-too-common struggle of working people everywhere. I was practicing mindfulness – as far as I understood. I woke up early, did an hour of yoga and meditation before leaving for work. So why was I still caught up in so much reactivity?? I had read tips about how to be mindful, but nothing ACTUALLY worked when I was in the throes of conflict, deadlines, or just rushing around trying to keep all the balls in the air. 

Mindfulness is much more than sitting down to meditate. It’s a practice of bringing ourselves into the present when we aren’t meditating. We can access it at any time once we know how. If we don’t practice when we are calm, we won’t be able to use these tools when we are in the throes of something stressful. Pausing is a very simple practice. 

How To Use Pausing Practice

  • Stop where you are. 
  • Take a deep inhale and exhale. 
  • Pause. 
  • Notice where you are and what is happening around you. Attune to the present moment. Take a moment to focus on the senses – notice what you see, what you hear, what you can touch, any scents around you. 
  • Proceed. 

Pausing hits the reset button, brings us into the present, and allows us choices. In a stressful situation, after that pause you can choose how to move forward. We can tap into our inner wisdom. Ask – how does my best self want to react to this situation? Do I want to unclench my jaw and speak calmly? Do I want to ask for a few minutes to think about it as the best next step? 

The key is learning to pause when in a calm time. It’s difficult to get there when you are in the middle of a stressful situation. How do we practice? We can choose a time when we do something regularly and pause. For example, every time I sit down to eat I will pause. Or before I open my computer I will pause. After brushing my teeth, every time I enter a certain room – you can see the list goes on. Post it notes are very helpful – I have one on the door to my office reminding me to pause as I enter. 

These mindful moments can really add up. We lower our stress levels every time we reset and take a deep breath. Try adding a pause every day for a week and see if you notice a change. I have seen a huge change myself since beginning this practice. Hope you do too.